Participation Grading



One tool we will be using in class for participation is the app Padlet.  It would be helpful (and your participation can be recorded) if you create a free Padlet account here.

Participation will be graded on the following scale:

An ‘A’ grade is earned by a student who is well prepared, attentive, responds when called upon, and volunteers often with pertinent answers and questions. (And is an active participant in chats/polls.)

A ‘B’ is earned by a student who is usually prepared, responds when called upon, and who volunteers on occasion.  (And is a active participant in chats/polls.)

A ‘C’ is earned by a student who is occasionally unprepared, has trouble when called upon, and does not volunteer often.  (And rarely participates in chat or polls.)

A ‘D’ is earned by a student who is unprepared, inattentive, comes to class late and never volunteers.  (And does not participate in chat when questions are asked.)

An ‘F’ is earned by a student who exhibits a lack of concern for the class, sleeps in class, or disturbs the class.  (And does not participate in chat when questions are asked.)

Note: If you are less comfortable speaking in class, another way to get full participation marks is to send me an email elaborating on a point in class. (“When we were talking about this in class, it reminded me of this.” or “When you asked this, I didn’t get a chance to say anything, but I was thinking of this.”)  For every three serious, thoughtful emails submitted over the course of the semester, your participation grade will be raised by one grade.  Students who submit six emails over the course of the semester will receive an A for participation, assuming they have a good attendance record.