Biking at Other Universities

What is the biking environment like at other American universities? How is biking integrated between the university and the adjacent community? How does NCSU stand up against “best practices”? Are there things that NCSU could learn from other universities?

I’d like you to pick out one university, investigate it, and write up 750 words on what you have found. If you know someone at that university, you could ask them about the environment, but I also expect you do research in looking at documents. We will talk about your findings together in class on November 20.
Some resources:
American League of Bicyclists Bike Friendly Universities
People for Bikes, Best College Towns for Biking, 2022

Some Schools to look at:
UNC-Chapel Hill
UNC Bike Plan 2014
Updating their bike master plan
Colorado State University
Penn State University
–their master plan
–information about the area around the Penn State Campus
UC Davis–(UC Davis is usually considered the gold standard for biking)
University of Minnesota–St. Paul
Georgia Tech