Due October 18
Write a 3-5 page essay (double-spaced, 12 point font, 1″ margins) on one of the following topics using class material. (Please upload/link to Moodle as a Google Doc.)
1. Steven Johnson’s Where Good Ideas Come from was written in the age of the Internet. How does Johnson’s framework for innovation hold up when you examine Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography in Johnsonian terms?
2. Steven Johnson and Wendell Berry both write using organic analogies–Johnson, evolution and Berry, agriculture. But their visions are quite different. Detail how their visions differ and what accounts for those differences. (For Berry, you might look especially at the 14 points at the end of his essay “Solving for Pattern.”)
3. Write an imaginary dialog between Wendell Berry and Steven Johnson.
If you would like to write about another topic on the the materials we have covered, please talk to me.