DEJ Post #6

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For this DEJ post, I decided to do an analysis on “A Framework for Ethical Decision-Making,” looking at a text to text, text to self, and text to world look at the article.

text to self: In this article It looks at ethics in a multitude of ways of which the article calls these viewpoints lenses. The lenses describe ways in which people can analyze ethical frameworks and give them ideas of what to look for when doing ethical considerations for anything. I personally try to look at every decision I make and view it through the ethical lenses as it really can help you decide if your decision is sound and has good logic behind it.

text to text: this article really seemed to correlate a lot to one of the other articles in our readings this week called the ‘Thinking Ethically” article we read for module three. Both articles were written by the same company called Markkula Center for applied ethics and both articles were a great read. They discussed the ethical frameworks that provide a basis for ethical decisions and then described in the other article what lenses we should use to examine these decisions.

text to world: I think that this article is very important when thinking about the way that we judge a decision or action that was made by anyone or ourselves. It provides a bases to determine if the decision was helpful or harmful, lasting or short, ethically sound or ethically lacking, etc… I cannot think of a better tool thank remembering these lenses to make more ethically sound decisions in everyday life.

DEJ Post #5

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For module three DEJ post #5 I decided to do my post on the thinking ethically article from the readings for module #3.

Text to self: This article was easy to make a text to self connection as it goes over the framework of ethical decision making. In any decision a person will weigh out the ethical implications of their decision sometimes without even trying to think about it. Which I have experienced.

Text to text: This reading reminded me of the business ethics blog I did my mini analysis 2 on. It is similar as it discusses the ethical implications of decisions and deals happening in the business world. But differs in the sense that it is not strictly only talking about business decisions and how they relate to the ethical frameworks that are laid out in the article.

Text to World: This article reminds me heavily of a training I had for a co-op at Bosch. This training was a two-day eight hour event in which I was trained on value based leadership and the ethics behind global business. I learned most importantly from this that establishing a sound and agreed upon ethical foundation is the easiest way to solve a tough problem.

Double Journal Entry #4

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For DEJ #4 I will analyze the article A Project Team Analysis Using Tuckman’s Model of Small-Group Development.

Text-to-Self: This article brings to mind a time when I was part of a team that struggled with accountability and unclear expectations. We started our project with no clear goals or guidelines, which led to a lot of miscommunication and frustration. Just like the Storming stage described in the article, we had a period of conflict, and it wasn’t until we established clearer roles and responsibilities similar to the team charter that we began to function properly.

Text-to-Text: The team charter that is mentioned in this article reminds me of the project I worked on during my internship at Bosch last summer. We had to develop a team charter for a coding project that would assess the priority level of certain tasks based on their importance to make sure production in the factory would remain active. In the forming stage, we had a great ethical perspective of our objective as well as clear and concise roles for all team members involved.

Text-to-World: In the workplace, employees often feel dissatisfied when tasks and responsibilities are distributed unevenly, leading to burnout and turnover. This article’s focus on the ethical implications of workload management connects to larger discussions in the world of education and healthcare about how to retain staff by ensuring fairness and transparency in management decisions. Today, with more focus on employee well-being and fairness, these ethical perspectives are critical for any organization aiming to maintain a motivated and productive workforce.

Double Journal Entry #3

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For this DEJ post, I reviewed the article 40 Years of Storming: A historical review of Tuckman’s model of small group development.

Text-to-Self: This article reminds me of the times I’ve been part of group projects in my academic and professional life. When I first started working on team projects, there was always that initial period of everyone being polite and trying to figure out their place, just like in Tuckman’s Forming stage. I’ve also experienced the Storming stage, where conflicts over tasks or leadership roles arise. It takes time for everyone to settle into their roles and for the project to become productive. The personal frustration and sense of satisfaction that comes from finally getting a group to work efficiently reflect my own experiences as a leader, trying to navigate these stages.

Text-to-Text: This article really makes me think of an article I read about in my internship I had this past summer called the 5x WHY. It is a foundational structure for establishing a team and solving a problem using a structured ethical approach. The models complement each other giving great insight into both the mechanics and emotional dynamics of teamwork.

Text-to-World: I have seen Tuckman’s model applied in my internship at Bosch where teams had to be established for specific projects. In which Tuckman’s model is applied every day to help facilitate the management of the teams to efficiently and effectively handle any problem at hand.

DEJ Post #2

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During this week we covered three different articles and had a group activity.

I had a text-to-self connection with the hot topic article this week named: “North Carolina Teen Detained at Airport for Using Travel Hack to Cut Costs, Dad Says”. This source reminded me of when I was booking a plane ticket to Prague in the Czech Republic and realized how expensive these flights really were. I can relate to the parents wanting to save money by using travel hacks such as getting off before your next connecting flight.

I had a text-to-text connection connection with the article “Top 10 Qualities that Make a Great Leader”. As I read an article called “How to Define Your Purpose as a Leader ” in my SLC 450 class. Which went over some of the same qualities as the reading we had this week such as honesty, communication, etc… This text is different from other similar text I have read though as it gave examples of how each of these qualities can represent a strong leader.

Finally I had a text-to-world connection in the article called “How to Live With Purpose, Identify Your Values and Improve Your Leadership”. This article made me evaluate my values and evaluate the values of leaders I know such as my boss Woody last summer. I think this is a text to world example for me though because it has a great point of reminding you to check your values frequently and often. I feel this does not happen in the real world with every decision you make and is unrealistic to say you can do so.