DEJ Post #5

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In “Thinking Ethically”” from the Markkula Center of Applied Ethics, I found that there can be multiple strategies to solving ethical problems. When I am combatted with ethical decisions coming up within the next election. This article made me think about different approaches on how to think about the pressing issues facing our country. I think that the majority of people want the best for everyone; the common good. The common good was one of the strategies mentioned, in that society as a whole should decide what kind of place we want to be and how we get there. I think the other strategies try to accomplish the common good approach. I think the utilitarian and rights approach describe our current voters landscape and thought process. Utilitarian describes how we see what would cause the least harm and the largest benefit and we go with that decision regardless. Rights originated from Kant and says that the rights should be up to the individual values. Like privacy, truth and information, etc. With our country’s emphasis on individual rights, I think this is how we go about our problems but also why there is often stalemates in policy. But, moving towards a better fairness or justice approach, in which our country is built on, will be the best for everyone in my opinion.

Santa Clara University. (n.d.). Thinking ethically. Markkula Center for Applied Ethics.


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Upon reading A Project Team Analysis Using Tuckman’s Model of Small Group Development, I learned how we can see what really helps a small group through the 5 stages as they overcome what adversities spring upon them. With the nursing facility, a workload management system had not been in place yet so the group being analyzed is the one trying to come to an improvement for the facility. Now to start, this team had an extremely in depth team charter that answered many questions that could come up within this entire process. Things like roles, boundaries, stakeholders, communication, etc. all showed how the group would conduct itself going forward. I think this study showed that the charter may be the most important step in the entire process. As the group spent two months within their forming stage, this shows the vast preparation and how serious they took planning out this case. Finally, one piece that really stood out to me within this case was the group resilience through losing their team leader. After spending so much time figuring out responsibilities, mandates kept their leader from being able to participate in their fullest capacity. The group still got together to get the job done as they delegated the responsibility between each other. I think this is admirable because when a leader goes down it can be easy to get discouraged, but this group found a way to press on.


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Within the article, “How to link personal values with team values,” Dennis et al explore how differing personal values are brought into the workplace and how companies can utilize these differences towards their common goal. I love how this article looked at different ways that companies utilize their differing employees backgrounds. For example, Nordstrom has one value that the company wants and that is to satisfy customers. They expect that each employee will go about this in their own unique way. Workshops can help with this as well. As I love how the article pointed out that the workplace can be a place where a lot of differing values come together for the benefit of the company as they saw employees learn more about each other, improved diversity, and even helped bring conflict resolution together. Once this comes together I think the activity of shared values for the organization is what brings it to its best potential. When a team can say how they want to see these values throughout different actions, then we can be held accountable and are expected to act according to the values. This will benefit the overall company culture which will in turn, help the business stay on top of their operations.

DEJ #2 – Cameron Middleton

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The article, “How to Live With Purpose,” reminded me of someone in my life named Stacey. As the article spoke about true leaders who aligned with their values, I thought of him because I think he is the “tree” as described in this article (Loehr, 2014). I look up to Stacey because he seems to be someone that can be relied upon and a good source of wisdom. Stacey is a master at his craft, but he also does not get a big head about it and is a generous and servant leader. I think that this has inspired me to use the exercise described within the article to identify my own values. Loehr states that it is important to identify your values because within organizations, it adds meaning to the work you are doing. However, on a personal level, it also gives you purpose (Loehr, 2014). For me, I think authenticity/openness is a value of mine. I want those on my team in the future to know that they can come to me with needs and I would do my best to help them or outsource to someone that can. I call this my “open book” value. Additionally, no regrets is another value of mine. I think as a leader it is important to do all I can to obtain success for those around me, if I do that, you cannot have many regrets! I think that putting these values in place with accountability properly placed would allow me to reach both my personal and professional goals.


Loehr, A. (2017, December 7). How to live with purpose, identify your values and improve your leadership. HuffPost.