DEJ Post #15

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For my final DEJ Post #15 I have decided to do a text analysis on the Module #8 reading article “What Are Your Values? Deciding What’s Most Important in Life” authored by Johnathan Hancock.

Text to self: This article dives into how to find your values, this relates to me as I have always tried to decide what my core values are. It is hard to way what you hold most important do to the ever changing nature of life. A person who is 10 years old values much different things then the same person 20 years later. These never ending changes into what we hold dear is the natural selection process of what we value due to our environment.

Text to Text: this text heavily relates to the CLE Yellow Company 2’s final project about the Compass of Leadership Ethics. The CLE five step decision making process makes you do all of the steps in the article as you have to define what is the most important values needed to consider when making an ethical decision. The only difference between CLE and this article is the scope of which it applies too and therefore the variables at play. Since you will look at your life’s values as a whole from the article process, but in CLE this process is applied to decide the core values needed to be considered when solving a Ethical problem.

Text to World: Having our core values defined in our lives is a crucial thing to any persons purpose, motivation, and well being. Knowing what core values you respect and define yourself as is crucial to every decision you make no matter how big and or how small. What you value most is what a decision will be made on, and establishing what you hold dear to yourself is the first crucial step in comparing anything. Everyone values different things because everyone is unique, these differences in values and our uniqueness as human beings is what creates conflicts but is also what you use to judge to solve conflicts.