DEJ #13

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In the guest column Needed: Leaders Who Inspire, Listen, the author of the article underlines that this is a time when leaders are needed who can inspire from the very core and authentically connect with their workforce. This article highlights characteristics of an inspirational leader, including that the inspirational leader “honors people,” listens attentively, gives a purpose, and builds an environment of psychological safety where employees feel valued and involved. These qualities of effective leaders are highly needed in today’s pressing and time-constrained work environment, where feelings of isolation or insignificance among an onslaught of demands are common.

I can truly attest to the fact that this article hit home because effective, authentic leadership goes a long way in the dynamic of a team environment. My current manager in the car detailing business has expressed several of these attributes. He keeps recognizing each member within the team at all times, listens to any concerns with interest and seriousness, and keeps everyone in the team informed about decisions involving the team. All these have fostered an open and supportive atmosphere, making me feel more vested in my work and reinforcing my belief in the transformational power of servant leadership based on authenticity and respect.

What was required for inspirational leadership not only in my personal work experience but part of the greater social demand was leadership that is relatable on a human basis. Strong worldly examples of this were provided by Jacinda Ardern, former Prime Minister of New Zealand, in her approach to leadership at times of crises, such as the Christchurch shooting. Her response was empathetic and inclusive, thus reaching every corner of the world, proving that leaders who truly value and support people can unite and bring hope in the face of tragedy.