DEJ #5

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I would like to make a notable connection between the article “A Framework for Ethical Decision Making” and the world. When this article explained what ethics is, it chose to compare ethics to religion which I thought was very interesting. I think our world sees ethics and this idea of morals as following a religion. In the article it says, “Ethics is not the same as religion. People are not religious but act ethically.” Then it goes on to say the same applies vice versa. This reminds me of the word morals and when people say “you have good morals” and assume you follow a traditional religion or grew up in a household that was religious. I am at fault for that assumption a lot and sometimes it is true, but other times there are people who have strong ethical beliefs and that is simply it. This idea is also supported through the different lens’. The common good lens described in the article can support why people just act in a respectful and compassionate manner because ethically they believe that is how their actions can contribute to a good and well-lived life. On the other end, there could be people who believe in God and have a heart for Him and live in a way that would be in accordance with His desires. This doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with ethics, but rather your personal beliefs. The reasoning behind people’s actions in our society are for a number of different reasons which is why ethics is not a religion and religion is not ethics.

A Framework for Ethical Decision Making – Markkula Center for Applied Ethics (