I found the readings in module 2 to spark my interest in learning further about how are values are used in the workplace and team settings and understanding the impact they make. The article Personal Values and Performance in Teams helped me to understand the ways that values have been studied for years and the impact it makes to understand why individuals and groups embody the values they do. It was interesting to read about the 4 ways that the values were studied. I especially thought “the third approach to studying values, an examination of differences in values across national cultures” was interesting as it gave insight to the way values are unique across various cultures and made me curious about how this plays a role in the team work we engage in (Glew, 1). Individuals with different background and unique sets of values make for a unique team and sense of collaboration while opening up a space for learning from one anothers perspectives. Another important point the article made was that “values are potentially useful predictors of individual and team performance” (Glew, 1). This was relevant to our group assignment we are workign to now as we see the important of developing interview questions that are centered around values to ask our CEO candidiates as knowing their values will give us the best sense of their individual and team performace.I now have a better understanding of how values are studied, their influence on individual and team work, and how I can continue to learn more about values of myself and others.
Glew J. David, Personal Values and Performance in Teams. N.d.. https://moodle-courses2425.wolfware.ncsu.edu/pluginfile.php/654177/mod_resource/content/2/Glew_Personal_Values_Performance_Teams.pdf