DEJ #1

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The article I will be using is “Top 10 qualities that make a good leader”, and I found it interesting to read because being grad senior and a veteran on my basketball team here at State, it’s very important to be a leader on and off the floor. The 10 qualities that Forbes talks about is honesty, delegate, communication, confidence, commitment, positive attitude, creativity, intuition, inspire and approach. I think that all of these qualities are significant to being a good maybe even a great leader in the future, but I’ll talk about the two qualities that really stick with me which is delegate and approach.

Forbes says you have to be able to trust your team and be able to delegate ideas. He also says,” The key to delegation is identifying the strengths of your team, and capitalizing on them. Find out what each team member enjoys doing most. Chances are if they find that task more enjoyable, they will likely put more thought and effort behind it.” Which in this quote, I can connect it to basketball by saying if a person knows the plays and wants to be the floor general then the’ll be the point guard, if they love to shoot then they’ll be the shooting guard and so on and so forth.

Being able to approach someone that is obviously not the same as you is fairly a good thing. In a business you have to be able to approach them the right way. You might have cultural differences, speak different languages, different beliefs, etc. but that shouldn’t stop you on how to approach someone the right way and to be able to know how to do that, you have to get to know them. Like I can respond to tough love and criticism very well and some might not be able to do that. Your approach will be different for every person.