Daniel Lubetzky expanded upon the idea of transparency and authenticity. I found this to be extremely helpful when thinking about how a leader should be transparent when dealing with their stakeholders. I loved what Daniel said about authenticity in that people prefer honesty with some limitations instead of a fake flawlessness that no one can believe. What I have realized over the last few years is that humans mainly have the same struggles and even if they don’t, someone out there does. I am so confident that within a workplace environment there is two people who are sharing with the same struggles, whether personally at home or professionally with a shared project. This is why it is so important for leaders to be authentic, because id they are not, that person will not seek the help they need because they think everyone else is doing perfectly. But in reality, this is never the case in life. Transparency about a leader’s struggles with work is important so that his employees feel that they can approach him or her with their own problems. no one wants advice from perfect people, just broken people who have overcome or are currently going through a certain issue. In this article, outside of the workplace, truth in marketing is extremely important as you want your consumers to have the same respect for your image as those in the company.