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While reading, “It’s How Leaders Behave that Matters, Not Where They’re From” by Barry Z. Posner, I thought it was interesting on the different takes on how leaders that have different cultural backgrounds behave. In the text it says, “In highly feminine cultures, where people strive to cooperate, maintain relationships, and express more compassion leaders might be expected to behave different than their counterparts in highly masculine cultures.” For example, in the sports broadcasting world, it’s dominated by men and not a lot of women were in this field for plenty of reasons, but comparing the famous male broadcasters like Stephen A. Smith and one of the most famous female sports broadcasters Andraya Carter, they both do things differently when it comes to their job and being a leader in their field. Stephen A. Smith is a more aggressive broadcaster that yells to get his points across and thinks he’s right all the time, which not all male broadcaster are like this. Andraya Carter uses more of her knowledge on the game and not her opinions and is more direct and not yelling to get a point across and not saying some women don’t do the opposite, these are just examples of what this text means