Module 2 provided great insight to various important topics and the readings gave great examples of how these topics are connected to real settings and scenarios in the world. One reading that I gained insight from was the reading, How to Link Personal values with Team Values. This readings shared the purpose behing why it is so imprtant to lead with values in the workplace and shared the case of Levi Strauss completing an exercise with employees to identifiy the top values of employees within the company. The article shares that “people were amazed at the diversity of the values and at the range of values people selected as most important” (Jaffee, Scott, 1). This shows how vastly different each individuals values are but how they also motivate us in unique ways and drive our work. I found it interesting how many values each employee shared and the few that were selected in the end as the top core vaues. A couple values that shared great isnight into Levi’s and how the company operates based off values were integtrity and communication. Both of these values are vital to the proper operation in the workplace, leadership, and overall motivation of employees. I have seen both of these values within any leader that I have ever worked alongside and how they were driven in their work by them. The article retierated the motivation behind values with this statement, “a company’s values what it stands for, what its people believe in-are crucial to its competitive success. Indeed, values drive the business. Values motivating employees and driving their work” (Jaffee, Scott, 1). From this we gain a better understanding of the powerful motovators that values are and how we can ahve great collaboration in teams and produce great work if we keep our values at the forefront of all that we do.
Jaffe, Dennis T., Scott, Cynthia D.. “How to link personal values with team values”. EBSCOhost, 20 Aug. 2015.