DEJ #3

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The reading on Moodle titled “How to link personal values with team values” is the reading I felt best related to my personal life experiences. So what does the word value mean? According to the reading it says, “A principle, standard, or quality considered inherently worthwhile or desirable.” Everyone has many desires, beliefs and values! Not everyone is going to have the same set of values, beliefs, or desires as you and that is not a bad thing! Diversity is good and can promote action in a team setting. I believe it also allows people to grow to learn how to accept other values and maybe even adopt some of them as their own. The reading says, “But in most teams, there’s a diversity of value and beliefs. To work better as a team and make decisions that lead to commitment and action, it’s necessary to recognize the range of values that can influence decision making and to agree on their priority.” This shows the importance of diversity of values within a team dynamic and how it doesn’t have to lead to negative results. 

In my own personal life, I have experienced an environment with a variety of values within the team setting. At work we have a small team of 3 people that world to produce social media content. This source has reminded me of the experience I had trying to adjust to the differences we had and recognize that we just had different values that produced different behaviors when it came to collaborating and working together as a team to successfully complete tasks at hand. I can relate to the points made in this because after learning how to work together through our differences, we have been able to see from new perspectives and create quality work. Aside from my work environment, it makes me think of some of my friendships and how I do certain activities with certain friends. This is because our values are different and produce different behaviors!