DEJ #2 Part 1

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For module 1 of SLC 300, we were assigned to read three different articles. The first article that stuck out to me was the “Forbes- Top 10 Qualities That Make a Great Leader”.  The most important quality to me in this article is communication. The article states, “Being able to clearly and succinctly describe what you want done is extremely important. If you can’t relate your vision to your team, you won’t all be working towards the same goal”. This past Summer, I was a counselor at the YMCA. We have a large team of counselors that come together and make day camp as fun as possible. In order for this to run smoothly, we needed to all have great communication and be on the same page with each other. If there was any day where we were not communicating, you could tell as different age groups were intertwining within each other when they weren’t supposed to be. Having great communication at the Y I believe is the number one priority when making it a successful day. If there was anything I saw that was ever an issue, I would go communicate my concern to my head directors and talk within ourselves and figure out the best decision. Talking to kids’ parents was also a huge part of our job, so having top notch communication with them was key. We wanted to showcase our communication skills to the parents by starting conversations during rides in/rides out. Family nights had the counselors in the spotlight as communication was most important then. 

Myers, T. (2018). Forbes – Top 10 qualities that make a great leader. Retrieved from