
CSC 501 – Spring 2025: Affidavit

Homework policy

  1. It is permissible to discuss the homework with others long as students
    1. write up the solutions on their own, using their own words,
    2. list these persons in a references fileand
    3. describe the help received from each person.

Students do not have to enumerate help received from the instructor or teaching assistant(s).

  1. It is permissible to use web sites, other books, and notes for reference as long as students
    1. write up the solutions on their own, using their own words and
    2. cite the references used in a references file.
  2. It is permissible to include verbatim text found in other sources in homework provided that it is properly attributed.
    1. Written assignments Students will follow acceptable guidelines for quoted material.
    2. Programming assignments Students will insert comments in or near cited work that clearly denotes the “quoted” material. Because small changes are likely necessary in code, it is understood that the final material may not be a direct quote. Such changes do not exempt the material from this mandate.
  3. Any misrepresentation of the work of others as one’s own work will be considered cheating and will be handled according the University procedures on academic misconduct.
  4. Any incident in which the instructor has good reason to suspect academic misconduct will result in a written report to the Office of Student Conduct. This is not negotiable. It is the only way to ensure that academic misconduct is dealt with uniformly and fairly throughout the University.

Student affidavit

I have read and understood the homework policy above. I have read all materials on the CSC 501, section 001, Spring 2023 web site. I agree to abide by all conditions and terms enumerated.





This statement is based on text borrowed from Dr. Carla Savage and Dr. Vincent Freeh.

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